SCUSD Observer

Sacramento, California

Archive for the ‘Education Equality Project’ Category

The Education Equality Project comes to Sacramento

Mayor Kevin Johnson hosts his “Education Summit” next week with Rev. Al Sharpton and Joel Klein headlining the event. Entitled, “Education that Works: Ideas for Sacramento,” the conference includes discussion on “educational options, accountability for results and human capital.”

Last summer, Sharpton and Klein teamed up to push a nationwide agenda that brings teachers’ unions under fire and proposes that “viable” charter schools are the answer to public education’s ills.

Signatories to the Education Equality Project include the event’s other two speakers: Cory Booker (Newark NJ mayor and school voucher proponent), and Michelle Rhee (controversial Chancellor of DC public schools).

Isn’t it ironic that Kevin Johnson is facilitating a national education agenda while the local public school system struggles with a budget in tatters?

Again, why such a large disconnect?

A bolder, broader approach to education should be part of Johnson’s discussion. Instead the conference will most likely fall back on the usual rant: demonizing teachers and the perceived battle with the “status quo”.

Perhaps Johnson, Sharpton, Klein, Rhee and the other panelists (CEO’s) scheduled to speak are really focused on corporatizing public education. We’ll be sure to ask some questions about their agenda when they arrive to enlighten us.

Written by scusdobserver

March 3, 2009 at 9:40 pm